Why Your Greatest Success Eludes You
September 14, 2011 (Number 25) Nearly all the leaders we take through our Power Optimization program are already highly successful. Yet, as we get to know them, we find that many are not getting the full measure of success they desire. Under the glow of their many achievements is a frustrated voice of, "I know I could do more. Why isn't it happening??"Does any of this resonate for you?
If you're savvy, you recognize that a number of people may secretly oppose your success for a variety of hidden reasons. But have you considered there are also forces within your own personality likely opposing your greater success as well? In both cases, your awareness of this opposition is crucial — as is your adroitly responding to it.
If you're prepared to investigate further, consider these points:
- Although you may feel driven to become ever more a star, reflect and see if there's another part of you that actually finds that quite unappealing. Many of our clients have discovered, with some surprise, the intensity of their longing for more relaxation and time with their families. And deep inside, they equate more success with even greater deprivation. Do you see how this can cause you to work at cross-purposes — and even self-sabotage?
- As you push toward your goals, also consider if, in subtle ways, you hold back to avoid the failure you may irrationally fear is almost certain. Or perhaps you fear that being extremely successful will cause others to dislike you, or to avoid you — or cause you to no longer be your authentic self.
- If you mindlessly try to push through these obstacles, you will only activate resistance in corresponding degree. Instead, we've found that once our clients simply know about their internal conflicts, this by itself tends to ameliorate them. Even better is examining your beliefs and effecting a resolution between the two opposing forces struggling within you. Many people can do at least some of this work on their own, without professional facilitation.
Dean Herman